Today’s Quote: Lovingkindness

Mindful Tactics
3 min readSep 14, 2020

Kind Words from the Heart of Buddha

Lovingkindness as thoughts is tranquility.

Lovingkindness as speech is softness.

Lovingkindness as activity is altruism.

Lovingkindness as practice is peace


Mirror, mirror, on the wall….

When you’re in front of the mirror, who do you see? This exercise requires you to start by being kind to yourself. Write down some mantras or affirmations and after you have written them down, either go to the mirror and recite them..or just yell them out to the world..

Like Buddha says about…”lovingkindness as speech is softness”..We have to UNLEARN to not be so hard on ourselves. Bring some softness into you so you can become more pliable and mold yourself into the person you want to be. Don’t listen to the inner critic anymore.

Open up your mind and Heart. This Kindness exercise is about giving yourself some self-compassion. This comes with so many benefits. It will help shape and strengthen you to become more resilient to other people's labels/judgements, keep your emotions in check and keep you in a positive mood.

Bring in that self-love

Look..anything at first seems unnatural. It’s because we are used to criticizing ourselves. That’s what has become our norm. Over the years, I know I have allowed myself to be critical towards myself.

Remember, you have control of your life and it all begins with you. If you can’t be kind and loving to yourself, no one else will do it for you. You have to change your attitude and then it will change your perception. Which in return, will change your life.

How do I do this?

Create some affirmations for yourself. Write them down. Recite these affirmations during your meditations, in front of a mirror or wherever you can. If you can’t think of any for yourself, there are plenty out there on the internet. To give you an idea, I say to myself…

  • I am loved because I am love.
  • I am perfect and complete just as I am and I forgive myself.
  • I am an expression of divine perfection.

I have a bunch more in stock and rotate through them but these are my dailies which I recite everyday in my meditations.

You are responsible for you(period)

Forget about the past. That does not determine who you are. I understand, some of us have been dealt really $h!tty hands and lived hard. I get it, but just look at those World Series poker players, they work with what they have at that moment, go all in even with a crappy hand and at the end win. I know it isn’t easy at low times but you have to take responsibility and give yourself some self-kindness.

Forget naysayers and your inner critic. Like Buddha said,

“Lovingkindness as practice is peace.”

Everything starts with you, practice some self-compassion so you can bring peace into your life.

As always, thank you for reading my ramblings and remember to give yourself some self-love everyday.



Mindful Tactics

These are my thoughts and things that have helped me along this trek. These became my Mindful Tactics and Fuel for My Thoughts.